Photo of people meeting at a table strategizing and planning.

Office of Strategy & Innovation

Mecklenburg County’s Office of Strategy & Innovation is responsible for managing the County’s strategic business planning work, leading operational and organizational performance management processes, and conducting annual evaluations throughout the organization.

Mecklenburg County strives every day to provide services to the community in an effective and efficient manner. To understand to what degree it does so, the Office of Strategy & Innovation in the County Manager’s Office works to provide decision-makers the information they need to fully grasp the impact of County programs and services across community, as well as helps set the strategic direction for the County. 

Strategic Business Planning

Strategic planning is an essential County function, focusing on defined goals, objectives, strategies, key performance indicators and key initiatives for both the short- and long-term. Such work guides leaders and departments to elevate pressing, important issues to the forefront, while also allowing decision-makers and the public to understand County priorities as outlined in the corporate and departmental strategic business plans. In 2023, the County created its FY2023-2025 Corporate Strategic Business Plan with five goal areas, goals, objectives and key performance indicators. The County used a bottom up (information from the FY2023-2025 department strategic business plans) and a top down (information from the Board of County Commissioners’ Community Vision and other related information) approach to develop the three-year Plan. To view the Plan details, click the link below to the FY2023-2025 Corporate Strategic Business Plan. You can also find the Department Strategic Business Plans via the link below:

Performance Management

Performance management principles and practices are the ties that bind strategic planning and evaluation. The County’s first performance management framework was implemented in 2002 and since that time has evolved to meet the business needs of the organization and the community. Every department within Mecklenburg County is required to not only monitor and track performance but also manage performance, leveraging information via printed reports or performance dashboards. Additionally, the County Manager releases her annual performance report each January, which is a comprehensive yearly look on activity associated with the Corporate Strategic Business Plan.


While strategic planning and performance management activities are essential to effectively and efficiently manage the County, the service evaluation framework considers the areas where a greater level of analysis might be needed. For example, if a County department director recognizes they are not meeting target for a particular key performance indicator, then an evaluation will help leaders understand why performance is lagging and how the department can course correct to improve its service offering(s).

Additionally, the County conducts an annual employee climate survey that gauges employees’ motivation and satisfaction, development, and overall perceptions of the County. The County also conducts a bi-annual community pulse report containing demographic and economic information. And, one of the other significant projects is the annual Community Survey, that gauges residents’ perceptions of the community as well as residents’ attitudes and awareness of County programs and services.

  • Community Survey Dashboard

    The County conducts an annual community survey to assess resident awareness and perceptions of County services.

  • Community Survey Report Documents

    Printable PDF versions of the Community Survey from previous years.

  • Community Pulse Report Dashboard

    ​​​​​​Mecklenburg County is at the heart of the dynamic Charlotte metropolitan region, and the Pulse Report explores the trajectory of growth and change in Mecklenburg County across several topical areas.

  • Community Pulse Report Documents

    Printable PDF versions of the Community Pulse Report offering additional content to the data.

  • Employee Climate Survey Reports

    We use this tool to assess employee motivation and satisfaction, employee development, perceptions, sentiments, and progress towards  performance management goals.