About Strategic Planning and Evaluation

Strategic Planning and Evaluation is a division of the Mecklenburg County Manager’s Office. The division is responsible for developing and managing the County’s corporate strategic business plan, coordinating with department directors on strategic planning, managing the annual Employee Climate Survey and community surveys and assisting with other internal priorities throughout the organization.  

Photo of people meeting at a table strategizing and planning.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an essential County function, focusing on defined goals, objectives, strategies, key performance indicators, and key initiatives for both the short-and long-term. 

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Performance Management

Every department within Mecklenburg County is required to monitor and track performance, leveraging information via printed reports or performance dashboards. Additionally, the County Manager releases an annual performance report, which is a comprehensive look on activity associated with the Corporate Strategic Business Plan.

Photo of a team discussing a project with charts and diagrams on the table.
Photo of a team huddles around a monitor showing charts


The County conducts an annual employee climate survey that gauges employees’ satisfaction and overall perceptions of the County, a bi-annual community pulse report containing demographic and economic information and an annual Community Survey that gauges residents’ perceptions of the community and awareness of County programs and services.